Start to read and think before judging without knowing anything.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


The way people learn to be tough(:

You have to get hurt. That’s how you learn. 
The strongest people out there, 
the ones who laugh the hardest with a genuine smile, 
those are the people who have fought the toughest battles. 

Because they’ve decided that they’re not going to let anything hold them down, they’re showing the world who’s the boss.
Just because I laugh a lot, 
doesn't mean my life is easy. 

Just because I have a smile on my face every day, 
doesn't mean that somethings not bothering me. 

Its just that I choose to move on with the negative in my life, 
and keep my head up, instead of dwelling on the past.


It’s amazing how at one point in our lives we will be extremely close with someone and then later they will become a complete stranger. 
You will pass by them without a word. 
Without a single acknowledging look. 
This person, who once knew you so well, 
who once knew your fears, your desires, your dreams, your past, 
is now walking right past you, seeing right through you.
That's L.I.F.E.
Dont think people are able to avoid it to happen,even for once. 

German PAD scholarship and competition.

Yeah,heard of this competition before ? It'll be 'Yes' for those taking German subjects and 'No' for those taking others languages. Yes,i entered this essay writing competition. I think I done my best in writing both essay that they want. The requirements was, you need to write an English essay based on environmental protection, exceeding 500 words and a German essay exceeding 250 words. I done my best.InsyaAllah they will choose my essay and I can go there,German(: Stay there for one month in summer:D 

Pray For AsyraafBohari(; 


Monday, February 6, 2012


Stay .

Stay Away,
Stay Cool,
Stay Awesome,
Stay Out,
Stay the original of yourself,
Stay the way you are.

Saturday, February 4, 2012



So cute and adorable one :D

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