Start to read and think before judging without knowing anything.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Aurat it's all matters .


Asma’ binti Abu Bakar telah masuk ke tempat Rasulullah SAW
berada sedangkan dia memakai pakaian nipis. Rasulullah SAW
lalu berpaling daripada memandangnya sambil berkata,
“Wahai Asma’ sesungguhnya seorang wanita itu apabila telah 
baligh (haid) maka tidak boleh baginya menampakkan tubuhnya
kecuali ini dan ini, seraya menunjukkan wajah dan telapak tangannya.”
(H.R. Abu Dawud)

Wahai anakku Fatimah! Adapun perempuan-perempuan yang 
akan digantung rambutnya hingga mendidih otaknya dalam neraka 
adalah mereka itu di dunia tidak mahu menutup rambutnya daripada 
dilihat oleh lelaki yang bukan mahramnya. 
(H.R Bukhari dan Muslim)

          Those hadiths are for reminding us. Firstly,salam Jumaat to all muslims out there. Today, I would like to share my opinion related to aurat of a muslim,but I would like to be specific to the muslimah or woman. Some muslimah still don't understand what is aurat. A woman's aurat infront of people other than her mahram is exactly as how she covers herself during her prayers which is everything is aurat except face and two palms. As a muslim,we must always turns back to Quran and Sunnah. According to what the Prophet used to tell women during his time. Aurat means do not wear something which can show your figure including the figure of your hand and do not wear something which reveal what you're wearing inside including the colour of your skin. What "aurat" means actually? So what I found is that "aurat" in Quran is called the "ornament" (24:31), "shame" (7:26). Well, literally "aurat" comes from the word "aurah" in Arabic which means shame and humility. And basically it means certain part of the body that we need to cover from others to see. People mostly, women think that it's unnecessary for them to close their aurat. Here, I'm not gonna tell you that we have to close it because the Quran said so, but I'm going to tell it based on the logic. Aurat is very closed to sexuality. For instance, when a man see the thigh, the breast, the buttock or the lovely hair of a woman, the man's lust will surely start to control him. And this is what Islam doesn't want, because when the lust start to control a person, the person will surely lost his mind. Okay, to be more precise, I want to share my opinion about Hijab. Hijab is not only a piece of cloth for a woman to put on their head. It means so much more. Hijab is the symbol of faith. The universal way too silently, wordless, and humbly say "I am a Muslimah, and I am proud of it". Hijabers are protected. Although they are not becoming literally invulnerable surely a Hijab won't protect you from a gunshot, for instance. But there is a protection upon them. At least we believe it comes from Allah, Himself, as the Muslimah are doing the jihad of upholding the sanctity of the Deen. They are burning under the hijab. Sweaty, sometimes suffocated, but they endure it. Even a man won't be able to Hijab himself. Indeed in some occasions, the Muslimah are way stronger than the man.  
For instance : 

- Rather than wasting your money with hair vitamins or UV protector and all, just put on a Hijab to have shield from the harmful UV rays.

-Sometimes it takes about 20 minutes to set up your hair. Even hours to get a new look at the saloon. But just 5 minutes to wear a Hijab and you'll be gorgeous, beautiful and cute for sure.
-And if the wind is blowing hard, and your hair will end up like the Lion King but it won't happen if you put on a Hijab aite ?
-On burning hot like hell sunny days, you don't have to worry people seeing your sweaty back or wet armpits if you wear Hijab.

-You don't have to worry about your shape if you wear Hijab with loose clothes. You will still look as pretty even without showing your body off to public.

-There is no better way to look demure and sweet, than to have only your face revealed.

-A rock chick playing guitar is awesome. A hijabed chick is even cooler. Try to look at Yuna Zarai and Najwa Latif.

-Hijab, when equipped with needles and pins, is an excellent mode of weapon for girls to self defense. Just prick the guy who tries to touch you(;

-A not-hijabed-before girls will receive compliments and prayers when they start to wear hijab. People will be happy for them and Allah is pleased.
But there are some women said that why must we closed our hair? Well, we never know what type of person that we gonna meet or see. Why don't we, take the prevention since prevention is better than cure. So,please mind to use the Hijab. It is special gift from Allah to the Muslimah.  Also, it's a special order. None of any kind of creature in this universe is created so beautifully that they have to hide their beauty with Hijabs. Only women. So take it as a mission. Fulfill it, and be glorious. If you ever see a muslimah with Hijab is doing bad stuff, remember that the one to blame is the woman, not the Hijab. Wallahu ‘alam bi sawab.

Aren't they are pretty,gorgeous,cute and superbly awesome with those Hijab on ? :D
Don't you want to be called as a strong woman ? Even those muscled and buff guy can't afford to Hijab themselves all day long.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Dirang :/


Isn't she is so so cute ? D: Kayy,arwah named, Nurul Nadhirah binti Abdullah. Nowadays,some of us,mankind, maybe turning into a zombie or devil somehow. Nurul Nadhirah or lovely be called, Dirang. Found dead in a very tragic state, she was suspected to be strangled before burned into a fire.Yes,that's very pathetic way for anyone of us to be found dead.Hey,human where is your humanity trait,are they all gone ? Think back for a few moments. We all live in a civilizations era,where people knows how to think and to act rationally and wisely, even the animal care for their children and breeds,why aren't we ? We are humans,not only gifted with brain, we also have the one that Allah has gave us,akal.

Allah s.w.t says : “Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk (isi neraka Jahannam) kebanyakan dari jin dan manusia, mereka mempunyai hati, tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami (ayat Allah) dan mereka mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat (tanda kekuasaan Allah), dan mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengar (ayat Allah). Mereka itu sebagai binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah orang yang lalai.” (Surah Al-A’raf, ayat 179)

So,behalf of a muslim and as an ordinary human in this world, let's seat back and think for what we have done and what we're going to do next. Think before we act, act like a wise man. Assalamualaikum(:

Al-Fatihah for 
Nurul Nadhirah binti Abdullah.

Save Mother Earth's Shark .


“If I have one hope, it is that we will come to appreciate and protect 
these wonderful animals before we manage, through ignorance, stupidity and greed, 
to wipe them out altogether.”

- Peter Benchley (author of ‘Jaws’)

Anyone with a heart knows it's wrong to clothesline a baby animal, body slam it to the ground, tie its legs so it can’t move, or even worse drag it by the neck with a rope or whatsoever. If this were done to a puppy or kitten, the offender would understandably be charged with a crime, and likely be jailed. But now, I would to raise awareness in saving and protecting the Sharks. Sharks have been on Earth for around 400 millions years. They have evolved to become the top predator in our oceans. Without them, our marine ecosystems would collapse. So often, the ‘smile’ of a dolphin, a fluffy seal pup or whale dragging behind a fishing boat dominate our attention in the world of marine conservation.It's so rarely, for anyone to stand up for those animals that aren’t smiling or fluffy like those sharks,but who desperately seeking for our help.


     Worldwide,humans have learned to fear sharks. These fears are predominantly unjustified and are based on false information,yet they persist through generations. The most notable contributor to this irrational fear response, was the movie “Jaws”. A simple movie, who’s concepts were fictional and depictions of shark behaviour,inaccurate, has now led to generation upon generation handing down a baseless fear of these beautiful,amazing and misunderstood creatures. Let's save them,with just reporting it(:
Maybe the one in the picture,is a father to a family.
Do you have the heart to lose your dad ? 
Don't you feel sad for them ? :/


Fluorescent Lollipop .


A special thanks wished to our Health Minister, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai for taking a wise action for stopping the selling of this fluorescent lollipop.The “Fluorescent lollipops” contain a cancer-causing substance in their sticks and also could cause mutation of human's gen. ' The candy is now placed in level 5 where its importation is placed under the approval terms before it is placed on level 6, where its import is totally banned,” said Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai ' Obviously, that this lollipop just have the same taste like the other one that does'nt have 'mentol' on its stick. So,let's stop from consuming this 'Mentol Lollipops' and  back to the safe one like Chuppa Chup(: 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Islamic Things(:

I would like to share some knowledge that I found.Enjoy reading and happy sharing to others ;D

Waktu-waktu mustajab berdoa .

1. Waktu sepertiga malam yang akhir
Sesungguhnya Rasulullah bersabda: “Allah akan turun ke langit dunia setiap malam iaitu sepertiga malam yang terakhir, seraya berfirman: “Sesiapa yang berdoa kepada-Ku, maka aku akan menerima permintaannya dan sesiapa yang meminta keampunan daripada-Ku maka Aku akan mengampuninya”. (HR Bukhari dan Muslim)

2.Sewaktu berbuka puasa bagi orang yang berpuasa
“Sesungguhnya bagi orang yang berpuasa ketika saat berbuka ada doa yang tidak ditolak”. (HR Ibnu Majah)
3. Doa selepas solat fardhu
“Doa itu mustajab pada waktu malam dan selesai solat fardu” (HR Al-Tirmizi)
4. Doa di dalam sujud
“Adapun pada waktu sujud, maka bersungguh-sungguhlah berdoa kerana saat itu sangat tepat untuk dikabulkan” (HR Muslim)
“Sehampir-hampir hamba kepada Tuhannya ialah ketika waktu sujud , maka perbanyakkanlah berdoa” ( HR Muslim )
5. Sesaat pada hari Jumaat
“Sesungguhnya pada hari Jumaat ada satu saat yang tidaklah bertepatan seorang hamba muslim solat dan memohon sesuatu kebaikan kepada Allah melainkan akan diberikan padanya, beliau berisyarat dengan tangannya akan sedikitnya waktu tersebut”. (HR Bukhari dan Muslim)
6. Ketika Lailatulqadar
Aisyah r.a bertanya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w:
“Sekiranya saya bertemu dengan Lailatul Qadar , apakah yang perlu saya baca? Jawab Rasulullah s.a.w sebutlah olehmu Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Kamu Maha Pemaaf lagi Maha Mulia . Kamu sukakan kemaafan . Jesteru , maafkanlah aku .” (HR Al-Tirmizi, Ibn Majah & Al-Nasa’ie , lihat sahih Al-Tirmizi )
7. Ketika Hari Arafah
Dari ‘Amr bin Syu’aib Radhiyallahu ‘anhu dari bapaknya dari datuknya bahawasanya Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda.
“Sebaik-baik doa adalah pada hari Arafah”. (Sunan At-Tirmidzi, bab Jamiud Da’waat 13/83)
8. Doa antara Azan dan Iqamah
“Tidaklah ditolak doa diantara azan dan iqamah .” (HR Al-Tirmizi)
9. Ketika Hujan
Imam An-Nawawi berkata bahawa penyebab doa pada waktu hujan tidak ditolak atau jarang ditolak ialah kerana pada saat itu sedang turun rahmat khususnya curahan hujan pertama di awal musim. (Fathul Qadir 3/340)


I'm home :D Starting from last night until the following Sunday(y)

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