Start to read and think before judging without knowing anything.

Monday, January 23, 2012



I dont know how to thank you guys for helping me in getting those 8'As that I reallyreally carving for.And now,I already got it.Alhamdullilah,praised to Allah subhanahuwata'ala.On 18th January 2012,we held feast to appreciate youguys.But I know that,it will never enough to pay all your deeds.Lastly,thank you very much teachers(:

Our dedicated 0913 teacher,she is our dedicated batch's teacher in handling out batch.Sorry cause I know you keep getting complaints from other teachers,as our batch was like "batch paling bising" Yes,that is ThripleThreeThirteen.Thankyou for teaching me KemahiranHidup.

Thankyou to you too.For helping me in getting A's in science.Yes,I admit that,everytime if it was your class with us.We boys,doesnt pay full attention to you.Sorry,cikgu azani XD   
Firstly,congrats to you.Cause you're not holding the 'miss' title.You're married now.Bon Voyage too as you're leaving us here,following your beloved husband,yes thats how isterimithali(Y) Seriously,you're the coolest teacher that I ever know.Thankyou Puan Azniah ;D
 Other teachers,sorry cause I couldnt find your photos.But that wont stop from thank you guys.

En.AhmadKhadir(: Thankyou for teaching me Geography.

PuanMaizatulIlma(: Thankyou for giving me A's in BahasaMelayu,it was the subject that I scared of.But you easily taught me and yet giving me A's in PMR.

MadamMuzaimah(: You're very good in teaching English.You taught your student patiently even sometimes we're naughty.Thankyou madam.

CikAzean(: ThankyouThankyou for making me fall in love with History(Y) Cause you know how to make people loves history instead of hating it.Danke Schoon.

Last but not least,UstazKhairulAnwar:D Thankyou for teaching me PendidikanIslam(Y) Thankyou for not strict with the notes,cause memang malas nak siapkan XD Apapa pun,Syukran ya Uztaz!

I love you all,teachers(':

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