Start to read and think before judging without knowing anything.

Thursday, January 26, 2012




1. I didn't say that I'm single, It's just that,I don't like to call him my boyfriend. I prefer to call him my lover,my other half:) 

2. I don't wear flat shoe,I don't even have one,saya tak Ada selipar. I wear heels most of the times:) 

3. Saya anak sulung from 4adikberadik:) I have 26cats.. 2ekor sugar glider:) 

4. Chocolate,teddy bear,flowers? I love chocolates,teddy bear okay la.. But I don't really like flowers,I's weird..heeee:) 

5. My favorite colour?it's black,blue,red n white:) Boyfie?oh no I don't have a boyfriend. I would prefer to him my Lover:) My other half.^_^

6. My favorite food n drink? Well,i love to eat any spicy food..:) Drink?any tea will do. Chinese tea,green tea,Japanese tea. Without sugar:)

7. Tinggi 165.5 cm, Berat 51kg.. Anything else ??:) Hehe

8. I got lotsa DM asking me bout my age. Here u go. Saya 22tahun,lahir pada 13august 1990, Pada jam 11am. Sekian terimakasih:) 

9. Saya belajar guitar guna YouTube. Haha. 

10. The last time I had a vacation was 2 years ago.yes I do need one,I should. 

11. My favorite fashion? Vintage..tak Perlu branded,asalkan cantik:) Rm20 shirt pun Ada:)

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