I dont know how to thank you guys for helping me in getting those 8'As that I reallyreally carving for.And now,I already got it.Alhamdullilah,praised to Allah subhanahuwata'ala.On 18th January 2012,we held feast to appreciate youguys.But I know that,it will never enough to pay all your deeds.Lastly,thank you very much teachers(:
Our dedicated 0913 teacher,she is our dedicated batch's teacher in handling out batch.Sorry cause I know you keep getting complaints from other teachers,as our batch was like "batch paling bising" Yes,that is ThripleThreeThirteen.Thankyou for teaching me KemahiranHidup. | | |
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Thankyou to you too.For helping me in getting A's in science.Yes,I admit that,everytime if it was your class with us.We boys,doesnt pay full attention to you.Sorry,cikgu azani XD | | | | | |
Firstly,congrats to you.Cause you're not holding the 'miss' title.You're married now.Bon Voyage too as you're leaving us here,following your beloved husband,yes thats how isterimithali(Y) Seriously,you're the coolest teacher that I ever know.Thankyou Puan Azniah ;D |
Other teachers,sorry cause I couldnt find your photos.But that wont stop from thank you guys.
En.AhmadKhadir(: Thankyou for teaching me Geography.
PuanMaizatulIlma(: Thankyou for giving me A's in BahasaMelayu,it was the subject that I scared of.But you easily taught me and yet giving me A's in PMR.
MadamMuzaimah(: You're very good in teaching English.You taught your student patiently even sometimes we're naughty.Thankyou madam.
CikAzean(: ThankyouThankyou for making me fall in love with History(Y) Cause you know how to make people loves history instead of hating it.Danke Schoon.
Last but not least,UstazKhairulAnwar:D Thankyou for teaching me PendidikanIslam(Y) Thankyou for not strict with the notes,cause memang malas nak siapkan XD Apapa pun,Syukran ya Uztaz!
I love you all,teachers(':