Start to read and think before judging without knowing anything.

Friday, January 20, 2012



Hello,long time no see haaa? :D Kay,yeah i know im disappeared when sweetsixteeeeeeeen birthday came,and people was like searching for me.BHAHAHA :D *perasan* Yeah, i got to go back early to Sekolah Menengah Sains Kuala Selangor cause this year wearing the blue colour uniform(prefects) So,kenalah berkhidmat for beloved school.On 2nd January other students balik then us,kenalah handle all the registration thingss.On the day bfore,dah unpack semua barang and arranged them in locker ,suddenly kena change into new dorm pulak--" Pfffft 
-_______________________________-   Sakit hati gila . Brought those stuffs into new dorm and susunsusunsusunsusun then settled (Y) Then looked at watch,"my birthday is coming" Talking to this one special person,surely making me feel calm and pleased. School day started,been introduced to those new subjects,Bio,Chemist,Physics and AddMath.Woaaah :O First time BLUR macam apa tah,masa physics :O yg tahap muluterbukaluas:O Luckly,ada ramai smartasss that could teach me apa yg blur. Yalah 2 periods for physics,1hour20minutes.Takfaham apapa pun just tau a formula."if besar bahagi,if kecik darab"But,apa yg besar,apa yg kecik pun aku tak tau --' See? Physics do kills me :( Okay,bye.

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