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Thursday, May 31, 2012


SGGS International Students' Conference 2012 :D

Assalamualaikum  , Haaaaaaaaaaaaaai  :D Hari tu cheq pi conference dkat Penang dari hari sabtu smpai lah hari rabu.Okaaaay dah dah, cheq taknak ckap loghat depa dah xD

Okay,here's the story.We started our journey from Kusess at about 8.30 something, then arrived and checked in Copthorne Orchid Hotel there.Everything happens there was so awesome and memorable.We started the conference with an ice-breaking session,and it was a blast :D When I have to become one of the model for the Malaysia's traditional clothes.And yet I had to wear this fully new innovated baju kurung -.-
There were so many keynote address being delivered to us.We have Datin Mina Cheah,Miss Lina Tan,Mr.Yasir Hafiz, Datuk Syeikh Muszaphar and so much more :D Everything that took place during the conference from the ice-breaking session,making so much new friends,the georgian concert(y),farewell dinner and every single thing was reallyreally something that meant  to everyone that went to the conference.Hope to see, youguys in at another time,place and moment :D

" Memory can glean, but can never renew. It brings us joys faint as is the perfume of the flowers, faded and dried, of the summer that is gone and memory is also a diary that we all carry about                             with us "

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